2016.6至今 沈阳农业大学 滚球 教师
2010~2016 日本信州大学 造园学 博士
2008~2010 日本信州大学 造园学 硕士
2004~2008 日本阪南大学 国际观光学 学士
2002~2004 日本长野外国语学校
(1) Gao Y., Zhang T*(通讯作者)., Sasaki K., Uehara M., Jin Y., Qin L. The spatial cognition of a forest landscape and its relationship with tourist viewing intention in different walking passage stages. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 2021. 58, 126975. (TOP期刊,IF=5.355)
(2) Gao Y., Zhang T(通讯作者)., Zhang W.K., Meng H., Zhang Z. Research on visual behavior characteristics and cognitive evaluation of different types of forest landscape spaces. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 2020. 54, 126788. (TOP期刊,IF=5.355)
(3) Zhang T., Zhang,W.K., Meng,H., Zhang,Z. Analyzing Visitors’ Preferences and Evaluation of Satisfaction Based on Different Attributes, with Forest Trails in the Akasawa National Recreational Forest, Central Japan. J. Forests. 2019, 10(5), 431. (IF=2.453)
(4) Zhang T., Deng,S.Q., Ma,Q.Q., Sasaki,K. Evaluations of Landscape Locations along Trails Based on Walking Experiences and Distances Traveled in the Akasawa Forest Therapy Base, Central Japan. 2015. Forests, 6, 2853-2878. (IF=1.499)
(5) Zhang T ., Sasaki K., Uehara M. The distribution of evaluation activities by visitors on walks course of nature recreation forest . 2010. Landsc. Res. Jpn, Vol.6, 6-11
(6) Gao Y., Sun X.M., Zhang T(通讯作者)., Zhan H. Analysis on the characteristics of eye movement and the evaluation of psychological perception for forest waterscape space. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021. 626, 012007. (EI收录)
(7) Zhang T., Deng S.Q., Gao Y., Zhang Z., Meng H., Zhang W.K. Visitors' satisfaction and evaluation to walk on the trails of forest: evidence from the national forest of Akasawa, Japan. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2020. 594, 012004. (EI收录)
(8) Zhang W.K., Zhang Z., Meng,H., Zhang T. How Does Leaf Surface Micromorphology of Different Trees Impact Their Ability to Capture Particulate Matter?, Forests, 2018.10.30, 9(11): 0-681. (IF=2.631)